Great post, Hal. Your first two points are exactly my experience, though I will now practice my French as well! At the very least, it won’t make me worse…

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Thanks Tim. Let me know how you get on with the French. What I find is that the damn thing is ok for a couple of lines, but then I am too slow to make it work longer.

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I like the Wittgenstein reference Hal. What you say about LLM output being untethered reminded me of the Tractatus where Wittgenstein says philosophy is like a ladder that we need to throw away once we've climbed it. The problem is that by doing so we lose the ground of our thinking.

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Thanks Michael! Good old Wittgenstein ... I used to be totally into him, now I'm not sure what I ever took away that was useful. How about you?

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Yes - I wrote my honours thesis on the Tractatus and drew a lot on his later work for my PhD. I still find a lot of the later work compelling in how it picks apart standard representationalist views, and with its emphasis on practice. But where I think you need to start with, and do justice to, practice, Wittgenstein thinks you also need to end there and that theory is a dead end. I'm more into classical pragmatism (Peirce) these days!

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And I might dip my toe into Dutch conversation with it...

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GIve it a go Margaret, and see what happens. I still find it a bit tense ...

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